Chrome Language

Chrome Language

  1. Chrome Language To English
  2. Chrome Language Problem
  3. Chrome Language English
  4. Google Chrome Language
  5. How To Change Google Back To English

Today, Google Chrome Is the Most Popular Web Browser in the world. Though, there is a situation, when the user wants to change the language settings in google chrome. Suppose, you downloaded chrome from the internet and after installation, you find that you got your install file in English i.e. default language. But you want to use it in your native language. If this has happened to you and your preferred language is not selected, don’t worry, you can change language in the chrome settings options.

Also looks like 1.2.1 tries to insert ads into the language switcher popup, but fortunately Chrome filters them out due to security restrictions. Beware, and uninstall! Was this review helpful? Aug 13, 2019 Google Chrome for Windows and Chrome OS lets you change its user interface language from over 100 available languages. So, if you want Chrome’s settings and menus to appear in another language, here’s how to change the default language.

  1. Like most browsers, Chrome automatically selects a language. But it might not always be the right one for you. In some cases, Chrome can also switch language without warning. This occurs primarily after running updates.
  2. Feb 03, 2020 Force Change Google Chrome Language If you change the language from Chrome’s native Settings then it will only be limited to Chrome’s UI and Settings. To force language change on every webpage on the internet, there are a few settings and extensions which do the job perfectly well. Here are the steps to force language change across the web.

Note: If the language is accidentally changed and you don’t understand the currently chosen language then you have to reinstall google chrome.

You also may read: How to Export Bookmarks from Google Chrome

In google chrome, you have an option (both desktop and android version) to change the language setting. If you want to change the language in google chrome, just follow the steps listed below.

1. Go to your chrome settings

To open chrome language settings page, launch your google chrome browser on your system. Click on the menu bar (three-dot icon) on the top right corner of the chrome screen and select the Settings.

Alternatively, simply paste the chrome://settings in the address bar and hit Enter.

2. Click on Advanced

Once you’re in the settings menu, Scroll down to bottom of the Settings page and then click on Advanced to display additional options.

3. Go to Languages section

On the next screen, scroll down to Languages section. Here click on the Language to open ‘Chrome Language Settings’ pop-up window.

4. Chrome Language Settings

Add New Language: Here click on “Add languages” and then choose the language from the list that you want to use or simply type the language in the search bar. Check your chosen language that you want to add and then click on “Add”.

Display New Language: Now your new language will start showing on the screen. To display new language, click on the three-dot icon next to the language and click Display Google Chrome in this language.

Relaunch Chrome: Now click on Relaunch to restart chrome browser and relaunch in your selected language.

Similarly, to remove the language from the list, you need to click on the three-dot icon next to the language and click Remove.

Further Reading:

To change the language on Chrome mobile version, just follow these steps: Open the Google Chrome app > click on More menu > Tap Settings > Scroll down to Languages > Add Language

Chrome Language To English

We hope this post helped you learn how to change the language in google chrome. If you find the information in this post as useful, share this one with your friends.

Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari – the choice of internet browsers is huge. But there are clear favorites: Around 60% of worldwide internet users prefer Google’s Chrome browser. Its advantages include excellent performance as well as strong user-friendliness.

Like most browsers, Chrome automatically selects a language. But it might not always be the right one for you. In some cases, Chrome can also switch language without warning. This occurs primarily after running updates. However, the browser allows you to easily adjust the language setting manually. We’ll guide you through the steps to change language settings in Google Chrome.

  1. How to change the default language in Chrome
    1. Step 3: Change Google Chrome language

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Google Chrome: navigation options and settings

When you open Chrome for the first time after downloading it, the browser will select a language that matches your operating system’s language. Google’s browser also configures other settings automatically for you: Chrome saves all websites you visit, for example. The larger the archive and the more storage space required, the slower the browser performance will be. To prevent this, we recommend that you regularly delete your browser history. Find out how to do this in our article “Chrome: Deleting the Browser History – How It Works”. To save selected web addresses permanently for quick access, you can also use the practical feature to create bookmarks.

But before you start using Google Chrome, the navigation options and menu should be displayed in the most convenient language for you. Here’s how to change the default language.

How to change the default language in Chrome


To change the language, first open the browser. Before you change the Chrome language, it’s a good idea to save any content you might need later. Otherwise, the content will be lost because the browser will restart after the language update. Once you’ve saved important files and content, simply follow our guide.

Step 1: Open Chrome settings

Open the browser menu by right-clicking on the three-point icon. Next, select the menu item “Settings.” Alternatively, you can access the Chrome settings by entering “chrome://settings/” in the address bar.

Step 2: Open advanced options

Scroll down to the settings and click on the “Advanced” button to open additional options.

Step 3: Change Google Chrome language

In the newly opened section, scroll down to the “Languages” section. You can configure the Chrome language using the first option. Simply click on “Language.

The next step depends on whether your preferred language is already shown or not:

The preferred language is listed:

If your preferred language is already listed, click on the three points in the corresponding row.

Next, choose “Display Google Chrome in this language.

The preferred language is not listed:

If the desired language is not shown in the list, select “Add languages”:

You’ll have two options in the selection menu that follows:

  • Scroll through all available languages and select the preferred variant using a mouse click.
  • Look for the language using the search function and select the relevant control box.

Then, click on “Add” to save the settings:

The desired language will now be shown in the list. To activate it, follow the step above for “The preferred language is listed.

Step 4: Restart Chrome

In order for Chrome to now display this newly selected language, click on “Restart.” The browser will close automatically. When it reopens, the browser interface will appear in the new language.

Quick overview: changing the Chrome browser language

Chrome Language Problem

Here’s an overview of the key steps for changing the Chrome language:

  1. Open the menu item “Settings.
  2. Expand the displayed settings and scroll down to the “Language” section.
  3. Choose the preferred language and select “Display Google Chrome in this language”.
  4. If the preferred language is not listed, select the option “Add languages.”
  5. Finally, click on “Restart”.
  6. After restarting the browser, the new language settings will be activated.

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